Prior to stumbling into the entertainment industry, Amber worked as a sculptor. For the following projects, she was

an assistant sculptor for SHELLY BRADBURY:
          Seagull mascot at Endicott College
          Post fountain at Endicott College



ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO Marshall Astor  The gallery  images are by


New Orleans: LaFitte's Blacksmith Shop
NYC: 5th & E 39th
Rome: Sant' Agnes in Agone, PIazza Navona
Rome: Parthenon Side Street
Vatican City: Belvedere Torso
Paris: Montmartre
Paris: Luxembourg Palace
Paris: Nortre Dame




As a UNCSA grad student in the summer of 2014, I had the privilege of receiving the Betsy Ways Travel Fellowship. 
Visiting Rome and Paris rekindled a love for drawing, and studying design helped me see the world in a new way.

Since then, I try to draw outside whenever and wherever possible. But traveling away from home is particularly inspiring.